You will need to make multiple AWS API calls to get Public IPv4 address. Here are the steps.

  1. Once you perform taskRun operation. Keep taskFullArn from Output.
  2. With above taskArn and cluster name, make describeTasks operation call.

Example -

AmazonECS client = AmazonECSClientBuilder.standard().build();
DescribeTasksRequest request = new DescribeTasksRequest().withTasks("c5cba4eb-5dad-405e-96db-71ef8eefe6a8");
DescribeTasksResult response = client.describeTasks(request);
  1. Above API will give you a response with network attachment details.
"attachments": [
        "id": "xxxxx-d02c-4a9d-ae79-xxxxxxx",
        "type": "ElasticNetworkInterface",
        "status": "ATTACHED",
        "details": [
                "name": "subnetId",
                "value": "subnet-xxxxx"
                "name": "networkInterfaceId",
                "value": "eni-e5aa89a3"
                "name": "macAddress",
                "value": "xxxxx"
                "name": "privateIPv4Address",
                "value": ""
  1. Take networkInterfaceId from above API response and make following call.
  2. Call AWS EC2 describeNetworkInterfaces.

Example -

AmazonEC2 client = AmazonEC2ClientBuilder.standard().build();
DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest request = new DescribeNetworkInterfacesRequest().withNetworkInterfaceIds("eni-e5aa89a3");
DescribeNetworkInterfacesResult response = client.describeNetworkInterfaces(request);
  1. Above should give DescriberNetworkInterfaceResult with PublicIp of container.
    "NetworkInterfaces": [
            "Association": {
            "IpOwnerId": "amazon",
            "PublicDnsName": "",
            "PublicIp": "52.xx.xx.xx"
  1. Note - You will need to perform Step-2 untill task is up and running, otherwise you will not get desired result. So probably, sleep for couple of seconds after runTask and see if Task is up and running then perform remaining steps.