AWS ECS Deployments with Helm Templates

Typically, helm is used for creating deployment charts for kubernetes platform but I like the helm templating features to generate YAML specifications which can be used to deploy to any platform. AWS Elastic Container Service(ECS) is another platform where you can run container workloads in AWS Cloud. While I won’t go deep into AWS ECS platform or setting up cluster in this article, we will quickly look at how we can deploy a service to an existing ECS cluster with Helm Templates and AWS CLI....

August 10, 2024 · 4 min · Imran

Get PublicIP of ECS Fargate Task with AWS Java SDK

You will need to make multiple AWS API calls to get Public IPv4 address. Here are the steps. Once you perform taskRun operation. Keep taskFullArn from Output. With above taskArn and cluster name, make describeTasks operation call. Example - AmazonECS client = AmazonECSClientBuilder.standard().build(); DescribeTasksRequest request = new DescribeTasksRequest().withTasks("c5cba4eb-5dad-405e-96db-71ef8eefe6a8"); DescribeTasksResult response = client.describeTasks(request); Above API will give you a response with network attachment details. "attachments": [ { "id": "xxxxx-d02c-4a9d-ae79-xxxxxxx", "type": "ElasticNetworkInterface", "status": "ATTACHED", "details": [ { "name": "subnetId", "value": "subnet-xxxxx" }, { "name": "networkInterfaceId", "value": "eni-e5aa89a3" }, { "name": "macAddress", "value": "xxxxx" }, { "name": "privateIPv4Address", "value": "172....

August 3, 2024 · 1 min · Imran